Sunday 2 November 2008


I've been looking through these chapters checking out what I haven't written about and I realise that cause they are in no order at all and there are so many words it's difficult to know when one starts and another ends. So thought is might be useful to write a resume of what each chapter is about and then update it as I write new ones. That bit being the toughie!!!

So in the order they appear:

Anger, and why everyone needs a punchbag
an expanation of why we can't not have anger in life, but a way forward to fealing with our temper in a healthier way than hurting those around us.

I can't see me
This chapter focuses on what happens to women in their mid life crisis, how they get to feel invisible and what they need to do to change that feeling.

It has to start somewhere
Is I think the first chapter with a bit about everything to get a flavour of where this is going.

Panic Attacks and how to deal with them
This is strangely about panic attacks and how to learn to deal with them through three exercises and finding out why they are there in the first place.

Chapter 1, All we need is love
This is no longer chapter 1, probably 2. It is about learning to love ourselves as much as we love other people and not to be martyrs in life.

Sex and Relationships
How we use our sexuality in relationships, whether young or old.

Personal Responsibility
We are responsible for our own feelings and behaviour and this shows how we can take that on board for the better.

Passive, Aggressive and Assertive
There are three ways we display our behaviour, with no power- passive; taking someone elses power- aggressive; or being equal with all others- assertive. This chapter discusses the merits of learning to be assertive and what happens when we are not.

Dieting makes you fat
Looks at how the constant use of diets doesn't work and how if we can learn to eat less we can control our weight.

1 comment:

LadyLuz said...

I wonder why you've stopped writing. I found you had a lot of interesting things to say in a down-to-earth style.